Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Am half way through assignment one. Don't know how i'm going to condense what i've learned in principles and contexts since August and my experiences in School over the last six weeks into only 3500 words. Am at 2436 already. How on earth are you supposed to analyse your effectiveness showing wide reading around the subject make suggestions of how you could improve and explain why this will work in 3500 words. The question you're answering uses more words than that!


Blogger TallulahFred said...

How about:
"I learned lots about teaching, was very tired and will be a bloody marvellous teacher."
And end with a VERY LONG bibliography?

12:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bloody hell. You know what, you're right. I started by typing up the quotations i was going to use. More bloody words than I'm alowed to have, having done part 2. On the other hand as its assignment one they don't expect a lot so ill probably bin it all and talk about the looks on their little faces when i threw a book at one of them. for a bit of evidence on reflective teaching look up http://www.prodait.org/teaching/critical_teaching/index.php

2:57 am  

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